Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Progess-the role of agression/strange combinations

I'm not convinced that I am at all done with this drawing but I thought I would post it and let it stew for a while.

The Drawing Chamber.....Go There

T.Boss M.Welchman
Ask Not What the Drawing Chamber Can Do For You, But What You Can Do For The Drawing Chamber.

Sketchbook Post, May 2007


Sketchbook, May 2007


Group Agression and Power

Museum trip, May 2007
Graphite & Pen and ink

The Gang, May 2007
ink & water soluable pencils

I'm gearing up to produce some prints for "Art Walk" in July. These are some sketchbook drawings as a result of trying to hack something out.
Oh and also, I'm trying to post a picture on my header on the blog, but it doesn't seem to want to upload. Any suggestions would be more than welcome.