Have you ever played the fortune cookie game? Everyone opens the fortune cookie, reads it, but then adds the same statement after they read the fortune. That was loosely the idea today when sitting at my desk in the studio today looking at a small sketchbook I had purchased a few months ago. I decided that I would fill the entire book with extremely quick illustrations based on random statements followed by a statement that would tie all the statements together. Well here are the first ones, I plan on doing them everyday till I fill the book. If you think of a statement, post it on here and I'll Illustrated it. Ha..this will be fun.
HEy! Your new work is totally awesome! I like your little web game..what about...She ate all her dreams..before she came here..
Your new work is totally awesome! I like your little web game..what about...She ate all her dreams..before she came here..
Keep it rockin:D
I'm on it.
he found no excuse...
Oh ya! It all gold keep it coming!
How bout,
Chewbacca ate too much.... before he came here
she bounced with snoop before she came here...
or try... he punched a bear in the face before he came here...
HA! Never turn down a challenge! Your on, check back tommorow.
Thanks for posting!
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