Monday, February 05, 2007

More Shirt Illustration Drawings

More priliminary drawings for the shirt illustration that I am working on.


MaTT said...

Hey man,

So what I am wondering is this, do you have a buddy whose going to put your art on t-shirts and sell them? or some company that has asked you to do this? are you doing it just for yourself?

FYI: I like how the second one is coming along.

M. Welchman said...

A company has asked me to draw a t-shirt design for them.

I like how the second one is coming along as well. I have spoken with the owner of the company, he gave the first one the axe. Rightfully so I think, it may work eventually, but at this point it just isn't there.

Anonymous said...

Hows it going?
just wanted to pop in and say Hey :)